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sobre el tipo de amiga que intento ser

Foto del escritor: PeulePeule

Actualizado: 3 feb 2023

you know what, the second i stopped saying "i wish i had a friend who-" and started being "the friend who-" my life has gotten 100% more fulfilling. no legitimately, i have a tea table in my room for when friends can come over again. most of my friends have a key to the back door of my room. i make my friend sweaters and buy things they mention they want. i send hand written letters in the mail to my friend who lives a block away. i annotate poetry books and give them as gifts when its not even a holiday. i keep extra gloves in my purse and jackets in my car. i'm not trying to be like "ohoho look at me i'm such a good friend," i'm saying the second i stopped going "i wish i had a friends who invite me to tea parties" and just. hosted the tea parties myself ? i still got to do the thing. i still got to see my friends. i still got to be happy with them. i don't think that its about who does it, i just think that it's the genuine act of caring for people, and giving a little light to the environments you are in. it's a lot of energy, i get that. especially if you're putting all of this effort, but not getting any back. but i think that's the reason no one does it. i mean, we're so worried we'll start doing all these things and our friends won't like it or won't be into it, so we just don't. only last week my friend messaged me, asking if i wanted to go stargazing with her. when i forget about our weekly virtual tea party, another friend called me to ask if i wanted them to host it this week. i've been invited on hikes, picnics and pie making competitions over zoom, and it all started with me going out of my way to be "that friend". i genuinely believe that the easiest answer to "how do i get my friends like that" is to be one. in most cases, everyone just follows by example, because they aren't worried they'll be wasting time and energy anymore. via good-ho-mens on tumblr

just be the person that cares more, be the person who tries harder, loves stronger, gives more of a shit than the half-alive people who surround them. be the person who answers their messages, shows up to their commitments and doesn't leave others hanging or guessing at their eternally vague intentions. be the person you wish you were dating. if you're sick of the game, then stop playing it. if you're tired of the bullshit, then cut it. because the last thing this world needs is one more indifferent person. if you're the only one left with passion, the use it. use the hell out of it. at the end of your life, go out with a bruised-up, worn out heart that gave too much and loved too strongly and felt too fiercely. go out with the certainty that you gave it everything you had and didn't hold anything back. go out empty handed when it comes to should-haves and have-beens. because it's an infinitely more fulfilling way to live than the alternative. it will always be more honorable to be out in the field getting trampled on that to be on the sidelines feeling superior for never having tried. via blissmoods on VSCO

d̶o̶n̶'̶t̶ ̶c̶r̶o̶s̶s̶ ̶o̶c̶e̶a̶n̶s̶ ̶f̶o̶r̶ ̶p̶e̶o̶p̶l̶e̶ ̶w̶h̶o̶ ̶w̶o̶u̶l̶d̶n̶'̶t̶ ̶c̶r̶o̶s̶s̶ ̶a̶ ̶p̶u̶d̶d̶l̶e̶ ̶f̶o̶r̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶ no, do it. do cross oceans for people. love people, all people. no conditions attached, no wondering whether or not they're worthy. cross oceans, climb mountains. life and love isn't about what you gain, its about what you give. via idg28 on VSCO

"a veces somos buenas personas con la gente incorrecta". NO. no creo esto. no puedo creer esto. No hay tal cosa. que mala manera de vivir la vida. ¿cómo va alguien a vivir una vida buena, a disfrutar, y a dar amor con esta mentalidad? Caminando casi en cáscaras de huevo para saber con quién ser y con quién no. Me rehúso a creer algo así. Al revés, sea bueno, sea luz, exhale felicidad, empapese de risa y de buenas vibras. Que mamera vivir la vida con un pensamiento de que hay gente incorrecta, que no puede ser bueno con ellos. No, así no es la vaina. Sea bueno con todo el mundo, ahí verá si esa gente gozo y aprovechó de usted. Pero por el momento, sea bueno, con el que le da tanto como con el que le recibe. Que no hay mejor manera de dormirse sabiendo que usted dio lo mejor de sí. Porque la vida se trata de eso, de dar, no de recibir. poli (o sea yo)

become the person you would ideally fall in love with, let cars merge into your lane when driving. pay double for parking tickets and leave a second one in the machine. stick your tongue out at babies. compliment people on their cute clothes. challenge yourself not to ridicule anyone for a whole day. then two. then a week. walk with a straight posture. look at people in the eye. ask people about their story. talk to acquaintances so they become friends. via fuckingmood on VSCO

i am the friend that's always there the second you call. i am the teammate who finishes up the group essay. i am the supportive friend standing on the sidelines cheering for you. i'm that kind of friend everyone depends on, but who is there for me ? who is there to talk to when i feel down, who will cheer me on ? i smile through the pain and do it all on my own. i am the friend that goes unnoticed. no one appreciates my kindness, because they see it as my default. and no one cares to be that person for me because it looks like i've got my shit together but really i'm putting everyones needs before my own and i'm hanging by a thread. via storyexcerpts on tumblr

le dije a mi psicóloga que sentía que había personas que no reconocían todo el esfuerzo que hago por ellos y me contestó que "a veces estamos tan presentes que nos volvemos invisibles, porque siempre estamos" via purowebeoo en instagram


Agosto 10, 2021

10:01 pm

1 Comment

Unknown member
Aug 15, 2021

No te extraño porque siempre que nos vemos te saco todo el jugo. siempre estás peu, estas hasta en lo invisible🌞🌻

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