creo que lo que quiero decir de barbie ya lo dijeron por mi: there will never be enough time to unpack the million puzzle pieces in barbie. weird barbie representing the progressive women who are judged for never meeting societal beauty standards but still fight for the liberation of women who are trapped under the patriarchy. that even in a reverse patriarchy, women don’t make men feel unsafe, they are just apathetic. Ruth’s reminder that our mother's had their girlhood stripped from them just as we did, and we look down on them, but they’re just doing the best they could with the tools they had. that even through the pain, womanhood is ultimately what stereotypical barbie wanted. @cheekmediaco
no but the fact that ken’s biggest problem in barbie is that barbie friendzoned him whilst in Kendom Barbies were not only stripped of their job titles, but dressed in maid uniforms and existed purely to serve the interests of all the Kens. and lets not forget that the Barbies were all friends in Barbieland and the only time there was any sort of argument was in Kendom when Ken thought Barbie liked someone else. kind of becomes the perfect commentary on the objectification of women in a patriarchal society. @thisiszoetrying
the show of compassion that women extend to men that men are typically unwilling to show us in return. in the Barbie movie itself and in the reactions to the movie. in one of the final scenes Barbie takes time out of her existential crisis to confort Ken and to apologize to him for making him feel unloved and unworthy and Ken never apologizes. the sins Ken committed were so much greater than ignoring Barbie; he steals and wrecks her stuff, he institutes patriarchy, he puts Barbie in a position of servitude, and even in that moment, Ken never apologizes, and Barbie does. and she helps him in his own journey in growing as independent of Barbie. and in real life when a lot of men have been like “oh I don’t like Barbie, its bad…” a lot of women's response has been “well it’s not for you” and it can come across like fuck you i’m gatekeeping this for me. but it’s also a thing where it says it’s ok you didn’t like this movie since it wasn’t for you, it’s ok that you didn’t get it. it makes sense that you didn’t emotionally connect to it the way women will. and when is the last time a man has ever said this about his interests ? women are expected to completely disregard our feelings and emotions and like what men like, they don’t give us the out of it’s ok, it’s not for you, you don’t have to like it. @lightsmish
when Barbie wakes up one day and starts realizing stuff like her bad breath/flat feet = how little girls wake up one day and discover their insecurities. // once Barbie experienced the real world she couldn’t regain her innocence and naivety that she had before. young girls eventually learn how the world traits women. // “I don’t know how to feel” - Barbie never expressed her feelings = the idea of being perfect means not showing emotion. the stereotype of women being too dramatic or more emotional has made it hard for us to open up. // “i would never wear heels if my feet were shaped like this”. // Allan - the only one of him and hundreds of Kens - how it feels to be the nice guy in this current world. @emilymayer64
frases de barbie que no se me salen de la cabeza: “I’m a man with no power, does that make me a woman?” “it kills me that you don’t think you’re good enough. like, we have to always be extraordinary, but somehow we’re always doing it wrong.” “you’re supposed to love being a mother, but don’t talk about your kids all the damn time.” “you have to answer for mens bad behavior, which is insane, but if you point that out, you’re accused of complaining.” “you’re supposed to stay pretty for men, but not so pretty that you can tempt them too much, or that you threaten other women. because you are supposed to be part of the sisterhood.” “you have to be their mommy, but can’t remind them of their mommy.” @roseberie
psa barbie is not a good one to watch if you’re at a stage in your life where all you want is to be 5 years old but you’re unfortunately 21 and constantly feeling existential about watching your mom and your grandma age with you. // Barbie was supposed to be empowering. the first doll that wasn’t a baby so the girls would know that they could be more than mothers. but we had to turn it into something negative. “an unrealistic beauty standard”. i didn’t feel like I needed to look like her as a child - until I was told I did. // BARBIE WAS A LOVE LETTER TO ALL WOMEN. // me tryna explain how thinking about barbie makes me emotional but not in a cringy way but in a history way. BUT LITERALLY! BEFORE BARBIE, THERE WERE NO DOLLS LIKE HER ! LIKE FOR REAL. all girls had to play with were BABY dolls, because that’s all girls were expected to be! mothers! but then barbie came! and she was a WOMAN. she had a job! she was made to do everything and anything. she was the first doll girls could play with that they could look up to. i love history and barbie. @borntod1e111
amé la película. amé todo lo que me hizo sentir. amo sentirla como parte de una comunidad.
septiembre 5, 2023
10:09 pm
también les dejo el monólogo de america ferrera que me voló la cabeza
